Ms Martha Kokiva is a Sole Private Legal Practitioner in her 30th year as a lawyer since admitted to the Bar in 1991; of which 7 years were in public service and 23 in private law practice. She graduated with Bachelor of Laws from the University of Papua New Guinea (PNG), Certificate of Training from the Legal Training Institute, and Master of Business Administration from the University of New England, New South Wales, Australia. Martha has significant experience as a Civil Litigation Lawyer in the National and Supreme Courts as well as Provincial Land Courts, District Court, Family Court, and Mediation and Arbitration Hearings. Her areas of law practice include Constitutional Law, Contract, Property, Customary Land Laws, Employment, Probate and Family. Apart from litigation, Martha provides Legal Advice/Opinions and other legal services as required from time to time. In 2000, she was the Housing Advisor in two AusAID projects.